They tell of the glory of Your kingdom and speak of Your might, so that all people may know of Your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of Your kingdom.
Psalm 103:19
Our King is gathering all peoples and nations to himself with His great love. Let's join with Him and pray for:
The King
Pray for the lost to come to know the King of Kings for who He truly is. There are 7.8 billion people in the world and 3.2 billion of them have almost no way to learn about the God who loves them and His gospel.
The King's Dominion
Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and empowered to fulfill the great commission (Matthew 28:19).
The King's People
Pray for the kingdom of God to reign in people’s hearts and bring justice to the land. (Isaiah 9:7)
Weekly hour of prayer, every Friday in March, 12-1pm
These prayer times will be lead by our S Asia team in the fellowship hall. A virtual option will be available.
Corporate Prayer and Fast, March 8-10
During these 3 days, our whole Antioch Movement will be praying & fasting together for breakthrough in the nations! Follow along on social media & with the key topics listed on the front of this sheet.
Staff will also host a prayer time 12–1pm Tuesday March 9. Fellowship hall and virtual option available.
Encounter Night, March 10th, 6:30p
Come join us in the main sanctuary for a night of worship and prayer on behalf of the unreached all around the world.
Pray Targeted Prayers
Check out this comprehensive guide of targeted prayers for each region of the world.
Do you feel prompted to pray for a specific country or people group? Do you feel led to go or want to explore what the missions options might be? IF you’d like to talk more about missions, connect with Holly Haas.