Our Young Adult community at Antioch is made up of people in their 20s and 30s looking to walk into all that God has for them.

Our community consists of graduate students, professionals, married couples, and even growing families. We seek to encounter God, read through the Scriptures, and live life together.

The best way to get connected is to check out a Lifegroup! You can go to our Lifegroups page to for a list of meeting times, dates, and locations. If you're interested in more information or have other questions about our community, please email admin@antiochrdu.com


From Victoria... "Antioch is like no other church I have attended. Because you don't just attend. You participate. You engage. You evolve. This happens in the context of Lifegroups. The purpose of Lifegroup is acceptance and encouragement. Folks accept you for who the Creator made you to be and encourage you to pursue your dreams. This is accomplished through things like weekly gatherings, text messages, potlucks and game nights; it's through these seemingly benign activities, however, that beautiful things happen. Friendships, discipleship, intercession, accountability, and ministry. Life happens in Lifegroups. And it's when you're not even looking. Unexpected. Unadulterated. Unrefined. Life on life."  

From Chris... "Being a part of Antioch has helped define what community is to me. It wasn't until I became a part of a young-adult lifegroup that the chains connected to depression broke. The outpouring of love and support I have received through lifegroup and Antioch has revealed to me my true identity in Christ."